Sunday, December 29, 2019

Cultural Overview The Amish - 826 Words

Cultural Overview The Amish are a group of Christian church fellowships that form a subgroup of the Mennonite Church, and are sometimes referred to as Amish Mennonites or Pennsylvania Dutch. They are known for their simple lifestyle simple dress, reluctance to use modern technology or machinery, and adherence to traditional Christian values as set forth by the Mennonite Church. They form a total population of about 250,000 and live primarily in Pennsylvania, some in Ohio, Indiana and rural New York. Because of their reluctance to adopt modern technology, their emigration to these areas in the 18th century, and the setting up of Amish communities, resulted in very little population dissemination or movement since they are required to marry only within their faith (Hamm, 2003). Mode of Subsistence Amish lifestyle is dictated by their communitys interpretation of the Ordnung, (German for Order or Plan). This may differ from community or district and no summary of Amish culture is scholastically adequate because there are few overt generalities between Amish culture other than a more conservative approach to Biblical teaching and eschewing of modern technology. From an anthropological perspective, the Amish are primarily Horticulturalists who focus on growing a variety of crops; raising cows for milk mean and cheese; chickens and ducks; pigs for ham, pork and sausage, orchards for fruit, and large gardens. In essence, the culture prefers to be as self-sufficient as possibleShow MoreRelatedThe Amish Community: the Effects of Subsistence on Aspects of a Culture1754 Words   |  8 PagesThe Amish Community: The Effects of Subsistence on Aspects of a Culture Tristin Bovee ANT 101 Ilda Jimenez y West October 29, 2012 The Amish Community: The Effects of Subsistence on Aspects of a Culture Any person who observes an Amish community may catch a glimpse of a lifestyle that looks as if it adheres to no modicum of logic. Why would a whole group of people choose to live without the technology that makes life so much easier? The answer is simple and uncomplicated; cultural preservationRead MoreThe Vaccination Of Children And Their Children s Immune System4822 Words   |  20 Pagesresponsibility, public safety and choice. Some parents worry about the ingredients, side effects and possible long-term illness of vaccines while others will choose not to vaccinate their children for reasons such as religion, peer pressure, medical advice, cultural differences and cost. Each state has different vaccination policies and there are exemptions for some of the mandated vaccinations because of health issues. Should parents have the right to choose not to vaccinate their children and possibly endangerRead MoreA Study On A Peek Into Retirement2321 Words   |  10 PagesA Peek into Re tirement The purpose of this paper is to provide an opportunity to explore the social, cultural, health and economic issues pertaining to the older adult, specifically the older adults interviewed for this paper, and this includes their preparation for, subsequent adjustment to, and special needs and concerns of retirement. The information that follows in this paper, is taken directly from the two interviewees, a male and a female who differ greatly in age, and two nursing journal

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Enron - 1662 Words

The Illusion That Took the World by Surprise Enron: The Smartest Guys In the Room is a movie about Enron and how it fooled the world into believing it was one of the most stable and profitable companies in the U.S. This is very sad because many people believed in the figures Enron was producing and entrusted their life saving in Enron stock. The scandal didn’t just affect a small group of people but 10’s of thousands of people lost everything, due to an illusion. Kenneth Lay earning a Ph.D. in economics at the University of Houston joined Houston Natural Gas Co. as chairman and CEO. The company merged with InterNorth in 1985, and was later renamed Enron Corp. In 1986, Lay was appointed to chairman and chief executive officer of†¦show more content†¦It started with the Valhalla scandal where he begged traders to gamble with millions in the gas commodity sector then he hired Skilling to run the financials and bring mark to market so he can manipulate the balance sheet. Then allowing Fastow to make hundreds for false partnerships to hide debt. There was no length that Lay wouldn’t go to in order to see his company succeed. In 2001, Lay sold large amounts of Enron stock in September and October as its share price fell. All told, he liquidated more than $300 million in Enron stock. Enron filed for bankruptcy in December 2001—the biggest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history at the time, costing 20,000 employees their jobs and many their life savings, and losing billions for investors. In July 2004, Lay was indicted for his role in the company s collapse, including 11 counts of securities fraud, wire fraud, and making false and misleading statements. On May 25, 2006, Lay was found guilty on all six counts of conspiracy and fraud. His sentencing was scheduled to take place on October 23, 2006. But died of a heart attack while on vacation in Colorado. Skilling unexpectedly resigned and sold almost $60 million in Enron shares. The company declared bankruptcy in December 2001. Jeff Skilling was convicted of multiple federal felony charges in 2006, which including insider trading, securities fraud, and making false statements toShow MoreRelatedEnron Of Enron And Enron1209 Words   |  5 PagesEnron Cooperation, is a company that was based in Houston Texas and was an energy company. This company filed bankruptcy in 2001 leaving a lot of its employees that had no knowledge about what was going on jobless and the company investors losing a lot of money. This was one of biggest companies in the united states, it had a lot of assets all over the country and was operating on a lot of profit that nobody knew how and why. The movie, â€Å"Enron, The smartest guy in the room† shows that the companyRead MoreEnron : Enron And Enron1143 Words   |  5 PagesEnron was formed in July 1985 by the merger of InterNorth and Houston Natural Ga s (Enron Fast Facts, 2015). Kenneth Lay became chief executive of Enron and he hired Jeffrey Skilling to look after the company’s energy trading operation (The rise and fall of Enron, 2006). Skilling’s plan was to be basically a gas bank where buys gas from suppliers for future years at previously agreed prices and sells the gas to its customers in advance to purchase at specified prices for future years. By doing thatRead MoreEnron Of Enron And Enron1387 Words   |  6 PagesEnron was formed in 1985 from the merger of two gas companies from Texas and Nebraska. Enron became the first company with all-American network of gas pipelines. In 1997 Enron bought power generating company Portland General Electric Corp. worth $ 2 billion. Before 1997 ended, the management turned the company into Enron Capital Trade Resources which became the largest American companies that trade in natural gas and electricity. Revenue increased dramatically from $ 2 billion to $ 7 billionRea d MoreEnron And Enron Of Enron1781 Words   |  8 Pagesâ€Å"During the Enron debacle, it was workers who took the pounding, not bankers. Not only did Enron employees lose their jobs, many lost their retirement savings. That s because they were at the bottom of the investing food chain.† In July of 1985, Houston Natural Gas merged with InterNorth, to create Enron, and Kenneth Lay became CEO the following year. In 1989, Enron began trading natural gas commodities. In 1997, Andrew Fastow devised the first steps to hide debts and inflate profits and one yearRead MoreEnron : Enron And Enron Scandal Essay1269 Words   |  6 PagesEnron was one of the largest energy, commodities, and services company in the world. It was founded in 1985 and based in Huston, Texas. Before its bankruptcy on December 2, 2001, there are more than 20,000 staff and with claimed revenues nearly $101 billion during 2000. Enron was the rank 16 of Fortune 500 in 2000. In 2001 it revealed that Enronâ€℠¢s financial report was planned accounting fraud, known since as the Enron scandal. In the Enron scandal, Enron used fraudulent accounting practices to coverRead MoreThe, Enron, And Enron1844 Words   |  8 PagesThe complete destruction of companies including Arthur Andersen, HealthSouth, and Enron, revealed a significant weakness in the United States audit system. The significant weakness is the failure to deliver true independence between the auditors and their clients. In each of these companies there was deviation from professional rules of conduct resulting from the pressures of clients placed upon their auditors (Goldman, and Barlev 857-859). Over the years, client and auditor relationships were intertwinedRead MoreEnron : The Collapse Of Enron1644 Words   |  7 PagesEnron was once one of the world s leading energy companies by reshaping the way natural gas and electricity were bought and sold. They filed the largest corporate bankruptcy in American history in 2001. Enr on Corporation was an energy company running out of Texas that was started when two companies, Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth, merged together in 1985. By 1992, Enron became the largest seller of natural gas in North America and began to offer other services like wholesaler trading and riskRead MoreThe Enron Scandal Of Enron Essay1458 Words   |  6 Pagesevent that took place in our economy was the Enron Scandal, which happened in late 2000 and lasted into the following year. Those who were involved in this incident directly such as CEO’s Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling thought what they were doing was not wrong and that they were able to get away with making millions falsely (Seabury, 2008). However, this was a serious crisis situation and many people were affected through the process as well as their money. Enron was valuing themselves at a higher priceRead MoreEnron : The Demise Of Enron1740 Words   |  7 PagesEnron was a corporation that reached heights unknown, only t o watch it fall apart from the inside out based on a foundation of falsehoods and cheating. Enron established a business culture that flourished on competition and was perceived in society as an arrogant corporation, mainly because of its corporate leadership. The fairytale of Enron actually ended as a nightmare with it destroyed by one of America’s largest bankruptcies in history. The demise of Enron impacted the livelihood and futuresRead MoreThe Enron Scandal Of Enron1052 Words   |  5 Pagesskeptical about accountants’ reliability when the Enron scandal occurred. In October 2001, SEC started an investigation against Enron for improper accounting practice. According Sherron S. Watkins, the former vice president for corporate development, Enron failed to disclose complicated deals with its partnerships to inflate the stock price. In a report by Enron’s law firm, Arthur Andersen, the accounting firm that was in charge of auditing Enron, was involved and faile d to report the partnership

Friday, December 13, 2019

Enforceable Contracts Free Essays

Six Essential Elements of an Enforceable Contract In normal everyday life contracts are utilized for various situations and reasons. Some contracts are more binding as compared to others based on the six elements of offer, acceptance, consideration, the parties’ capacity to contract, the parties’ intent to contract and the object of the contract. This paper examines the above mentioned elements using a contract existing between a customer and a phone dealer. We will write a custom essay sample on Enforceable Contracts or any similar topic only for you Order Now The phone dealer dealt with used but clean phones and because the customer could not afford a new phone, he approached the phone dealer who promised to deliver a functional and clean used smart phone at the price of $74 after two days. The payment was to be made after the delivery of the phone but on the condition that the phone would be fully functional and the customer could return the phone within the following week if it developed any problem. On the appointed day, the phone dealer delivered the phone as promised and the customer made the payment as he had promised too. After two days of using the phone the customer started to experience so many complications with the phone and it finally went off completely. When he returned the phone to the phone dealer, the dealer told him that once the phone was sold the customer could not return it. When the customer threatened to sue him for breach of contract, the dealer affirmed that there were no grounds because there was no written contract. The customer however went on with the suit because though the verbal contract between them was initially fulfilled through the delivery of the phone within the appointed time, it was breached when the dealer refused to accept back the phone within the agreed grace period. A breach of contract is defined as any form of violation that occurs on conditions contained in an enforceable contract. To ascertain the breach of contract the first step is affirming that a contract existed between the customer and the phone dealer. This can be done using the six elements of a contract. The phone can be identified as the object of the contract because it is legal ascertaining the enforceable nature of the contract. As per the first element the verbal offer of providing the phone within two days at $74 can be recognized as part of the binding contract between the two regardless of the fact that it was written. Under acceptance or genuine assent, the customer engaged in expressed acceptance of the offer within the stipulated conditions set by the dealer. The mutual promise between the customer and the phone dealer to eet their sides of the contract can be equated to consideration. Both the customer and the dealer had the capacity to contract because none was coerced into the agreement. The fact that both agreed to enter into the contract considering all the stipulated conditions, shows their intent to enter into the contract. The above clearly indicates that though no written contract existed between the dealer and the customer, a verbal contract existed between the t wo of them and the dealer breached the contract by refusing to honor one of the stipulated conditions in the contract. The major two remedies that could be utilized to counter the breach of contract could be the dealer accepting back the phone and issuing the customer with another phone or refunding back his money as an out of court settlement because a court settlement can prove to be very expensive both on the dealer and the customer or the customer can go ahead and sue with the aim of acquiring a court settlement of the issue now that the dealer was unwilling to accept the first remedy. Though this would be costly on both of them, though the customer has better chances of winning the case because he can easily prove that though a verbal contract existed between them, it could be identified as an enforceable contract using the six essential elements of an enforceable contract. Based on this evidence the court will definitely find the phone dealer guilty of breach of contract because he did not meet one of the major conditions of the contract between him and the customer. This will culminate into a stiffer punishment for the dealer which would have been avoided if he met all the conditions of the contract initially. In conclusion, though a verbal contract existed between the dealer and the customer, it can still be identified as an enforceable contract using the six essential elements of an enforceable contract and hence the phone dealer is liable for the breach of contract. References: Adamson, J. E. (2012). Law for business and personal use. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. How to cite Enforceable Contracts, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Textile and Apparel Supply Chain Management †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Textile and Apparel Supply Chain Management. Answer: Introduction: A focused person with great determination to achieve his/her goals must understand that learning experience is among the major virtue principles that helps him/her in achieving the goals. Through learning experience, one is equipped with basic skills which are essential in accomplishing of jobs (Hakim, 2016). It is therefore important for a person to take part in many learning programs so as to gain enough during the whole of the process or after the process. In the learning process, an individual requires certain virtues like; self-confidence, gaining skills necessary to solve problems and a lot more. Therefore, it is of great importance for an individual to play any role or engage in any of the learning programs that he/she is in so as to learn and understand the concepts easily (Hansen, 2000). I have been able to do quite an extensive evaluation on the usefulness and effectiveness of this experience in this paper especially on the fashion retailers on how they are affected by e-co mmerce. One of the major factors that enhanced my learning skills was the research I did. The research helped me to thoroughly master and easily understand the concepts that were being taught in the learning process. Involving myself in conducting of the research was very useful and of great effective. As a matter of fact, it was of great value since I acquired a lot of experience. The research enabled me to comprehend basic and most important techniques used in enhancing business transactions in e-commerce (Jan Hammond, 2000). In addition, the experience enabled me to comprehend how to achieve set objectives during business management in the e-commerce platform or structure. The process of learning will be of great significance to me during the whole of the program and other fields. The main fields that the learning process will be of great help is to my course, future jobs and more specifically to day to day life since it offers basic skills on how to deal with the issues. The experience obtained will not only enable me relate the various skills taught during the process but will also help me relate the various concepts and ideas I acquired in the classroom. It will also help me in understanding the module well. The learning process will also help me to tolerate with many concepts. The learning process will also help me have a clear understanding of the different phases facilitated by the program and also help me gain enough skills necessary to understand and master the goals of learning the program (Trish L. Varao-Sousa, 2015). Moreover, the learning process will also will also equip me with enough knowledge useful in my future job that will be a busin ess-oriented job. The learning process will enable me gain the necessary business strategies and skills necessary in starting and managing of my business. This will automatically lead to my business being successful since I will be equipped with various skills on how to handle and deal with the challenges facing my business (Ysabel Nauwelaerts, 2016). The process enables an individual to make the right decisions. This will influence my life greatly since I will know how to make the right decisions regarding the challenges I will be facing. The experience will also enable me to acquire new knowledge which will be of help in solving future problems. I will apply the knowledge acquired to work on the plans I would like to accomplish in future. The main focus of the process is to equip learners with the skills necessary to enable them achieve their dreams. Therefore, since I have learnt and comprehended the concept well, am sure of running a successful business on applying the knowledge I have learnt. During the learning process, I was able to conduct a research on how fashion retailers are influenced by e-commerce (IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2009). The researchs main objectives were; to well comprehend the main factors which make customers to use e-commerce as their business platform, to well comprehend how fashion retailers are affected by e-commerce, to well comprehend the challenges facing fashion retailers after incorporating e-commerce into their businesses and to offer solutions on how to deal with challenges facing retailers and customers using e-commerce. This research aided me in understanding the factors that made many customers use e-commerce. These factors are; A good and conducive environment was provided by e-commerce where customers obtained goods and services easily, customers were provided with a variety of goods hence choosing easily and more conveniently. The advantages of e-commerce were not only to the retailers, but also to the customers at large (Ysabel Nauwelaerts, 2016). These fashion retailers attract many customers from various areas and this earns them huge sales when compared to other forms of marketing. However, e-commerce had its own challenges which included the following; huge costs on technical operations, huge costs of labour, less confidentiality, insecure systems and so many other challenges. These challenges affect both the customers and the sellers though there are some benefits. It should be noted that the benefits are more than the challenges that face the users of e-commerce. It is therefore of great importance for retailers to embrace the e-commerce technology since it is beneficial. However, they should be keen in this system of marketing by protecting the privacy of the customers and enhancing their security to great levels. To summarize the above statements, it will be correct to say that this experience obtained from learning process has been of great importance since new ideas to the e-commerce study have been obtained. Based on the research, findings and the hypothesis, it will be correct to state that e-commerce is of great significance to the fashion retailers and should therefore be well accepted. The main reason why I did the activities in the assignment was to only provide a clear and broad picture concerning learning experience and how practical it is in real life situations. References Hakim, Y. E., 2016. 3 The Importance of Engagement in the Learning Experience. 4 [Online] Available at: 3 [Accessed 26 9 2017]. Hansen, R. E., 2000. The Role of Experience in Learning:Giving Meaning and Authenticityto the Learning Process in Schools. Journal of Technology Education, 11(2), pp. 2-6. IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2009. 5 E-Commerce in the Textile and Apparel Supply Chain Management: Framework and Case Study. 4 [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 9 2017]. Jan Hammond, K. K., 2000. 6 E-Commerce in the Textile and Apparel Industries, New York: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Trish L. Varao-Sousa, A. K., 2015. Memory for Lectures: How Lecture Format Impacts the Learning Experience. 4 [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 9 2017]. Ysabel Nauwelaerts, S. C., 2016. The Role of E-Commerce and M-Commerce in the International Strategy of Fashion Companies: A Qualitative Research in the Belgian Fashion Industry. Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation, Volu