Thursday, September 3, 2020

Evaluation of the play Blood Brothers Essay Example for Free

Assessment of the play Blood Brothers Essay Thomas Hardy recommends that in the mid-ninteenth century ladies were restricted in their selection of employments. Plant work was accessible in certain regions yet this implied working long, tedious hours. They could likewise work for the rich, yet for almost no cash. The term utilized for a lady who makes dresses is a sewer. They spent their lives sewing for the rich women who wore keen dresses. In Far From the Madding Crowd the principle character Bathsheba is the glad proprietor of her acquired homestead. She has house cleaners, ranch laborers and shepherds working for her. She spends extended periods of time of the day working in fields. She is a blessed lady, famous among the men however who unmistakably is uncertain about existence/love. Her character is wealthy and appreciates an advantaged way of life. In Wessex where the book was set it is customary, good old (even a few sections are today). The provincial setting causes it to identify with what the view resembled, and improves the environment. At the time this book was composed, wellbeing principles were poor and there was no anti-conception medication. Sickness was normal, and individuals frequently needed to adapt for themselves. A lady was viewed as fortunate on the off chance that she was rich enough to utilize a house cleaner to think about her. There were no infusions to forestall individuals against lockjaw, basic among ranch laborers. (It happens when earth is gone through an injury with a danger of getting incapacitated) Nowadays we have current medication and gear and exceptionally prepared specialists. In contrast to men, lady had numerous impediments. In the event that a gathering/celebration was being held all the ladies were obliged to leave the room, while the men drank. Yet, Hardy demonstrates an alternate generalization to the one most ladies were acquainted with around then Bathsheba, rather than leaving the room discreetly and without protestation, she leaves angrily, having whined to her better half about the measure of liquor that was offered-dont offer it to them. This shows she was more autonomous than other ladies of her day. Ladies were relied upon to cook for the most part and were much of the time bossed around by their spouses (male mastery) this has held a subject of sexism to lady today. In the Victorian occasions, ladies were relied upon to dress separately. Evan if a lady demonstrated a modest quantity of her lower leg it was however of as irreverent and horrendous! Lady wore long dresses, caps and concealed their arms. Clearly a rich individual would have a more extravagant point by point dress than a destitute individual. Individuals however that lady were not equivalent to men since men were more grounded and defender. Ladies were cited as weak and tentative. Lady could cast a ballot almost no and there was next to no instruction for them. One thing I got on was that in the book when Troy was acting in the carnival among different men, there were no lady performing. This was contrary to the guidelines and the bazaar would have required solid entertainers, which were not, in their eyes lady. The workhouse was a spot in which numerous poor/elderly individuals finished their days. Be that as it may, the workhouse was likewise for youngsters as well. Fanny was one who passed on in the workhouse in the wake of conceiving an offspring. Individuals would work and supplicate for the duration of the day. They had a system however they were likewise permitted to unwind and have available opportunity to do what they needed. It was felt that religion would assist the poor with overcoming their lethargy, carefreeness and intoxication. Indeed, even school exercises for youngsters spun around the Bible. There were establishment shelters for kids where they were treated with incredible consideration. This choice was for lady who couldn't take care of their kids or were sick/having issues and so on. This choice would have done Fanny help, in the event that she hadnt had passed on. From perusing the book, and watching the film I have found top to bottom that life at that point, is very unique in relation to today and what lady could and couldnt do. Men could do unmistakably more and appeared to get more out of life than lady. Troy was frequently observed doing significantly more than Bathsehba?

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Management Changes Affects Employee Morale

The executives Changes Affects Employee Morale As the world changes, numerous association may make changes to their organization structure so as to stay effective and look great among investors. These hierarchical changes might be useful for the organization by and large. Notwithstanding, it might influence the remaining employee’s spirit. A few associations changes, for example, cutbacks, diminish work hours, a deteriorate in benefits increments and prizes may bring about administration attempting to make sense of an approach to inspire and pick up representatives trust and loyalty.Layoffs When an association encounters a downturn in the economy, they might be power to perform worker cutbacks. Associations, for example, the Boeing Companyâ announced in September 2001, that they will be eliminating 10,000 positions which is brought about by the U. S. aircrafts to diminish operational limit by about 20% because of traffic decreases. Carriers are relied upon to stop more season ed airplane and concede conveyances of recently assembled ship as they trim their operational armadas (Smith B. (2001)).The Boeing Companyâ is an Americanâ multinationalâ aerospaceâ and resistance organization that was established in 1916 and is the biggest exporter by esteem in the United States (Smith B. (2001)). This cutbacks will made a deficiency of aviation occupations and has made an intense employing condition for jobless specialists. Brockner, J. (1992) expressed that â€Å"if the cutbacks are bungled, along these lines hampering survivors' efficiency and resolve, at that point the association stands to lose a sizeable bit of the reserve funds it would have liked to accomplish by presenting cutbacks. Despite the fact that representative cutbacks may permit associations to eliminate positions and protect associations with the current worker this can be make a test to the rest of the representatives in that, they may encounter extreme worry of increment outstanding task at hand, absence of inspiration and they may think about looking for another work environment to decrease excess. Heathfield, S, M (2010) expressed that â€Å"employees experience an expanded degree of stress identifying with both the expanded remaining task at hand and your doubt of the executives. Contingent upon how deferentially the cutbacks were taken care of with their association, this doubt may run profound. This may cause doubt with the worker and the association. Representatives might be less persuaded to finish appointed work when collaborators withdraw from an association because of cutbacks. As per Adler, N. (2008) â€Å"motivation is an enthusiasm to work for reasons that go past cash or status an inclination to seek after objectives with vitality and industriousness. † One would propose that to persuade these people could comprise of getting heat products to work or have a potluck with existing colleagues. This could inspire the rest of the representatives to move in the direction of an effective work execution and achieving group goals.Searching for another work environment to lessen excess is regular in associations when cutback happens. As indicated by Heathfield, S, M (2010) â€Å"Research demonstrates that numerous representatives clean up their resumes and start a pursuit of employment which can help the scaling down survivor feel more in charge of their circumstance. † Employees could be dreadful to be jobless due the numerous obligation of life, for example, youngster care costs and bill installments. Kid care costs could incorporate kid bolster installment, food and garments while charge installments could incorporate home loan, lease and utilities. Kid care costs and bill installments is fundamental to one’s life.A decay or lack in compensation for childcare costs and bill installments and could bring about one youngster or kids being neglected and one could get destitute. Diminish work hours Management changes ca n remember decrease for work hours for representative, early-retirement and vacations. Puncture, J. L. ; Dunham, R. B. (1992) lead an exploration on cop reactions to changes to their work routine from a turning eight hour move to a compacted 12 hour move which incorporates individual exercises, work plan perspectives, stress and exhaustion and inferred that â€Å"employees was not happy with the result†.One would propose that the association give the representative adequate time to get ready for the individual wages to be decreased in that the worker can be proactive and make changes that can influence them in their own life. A portion of these proactive measures could incorporate talking with credit officials to renegotiate individual advance, cut back on dinning costs or cease protection plans or retirement coordinating plans. Despite the fact that vacations may briefly help association on decreasing compensation cuts in remaining in business representative may decide not t o come back to work in the wake of being leave or the worker may consider to ind somewhere else of business. Association may offer senior workers early retirement as another technique for to lessen activity cost during an economy downturn. Senior administration and the individuals who have been working for an association the longest generally make the most significant compensations and have the best advantages bundle Bradley J, B. ; Demand M. (2011). Early retirement of senior representatives may result in can result lost of implicit information over a since quite a while ago run. One would propose that the association. A few associations perform leaves of absence in economy downturn. A leave of absence is obligatory downtime for an employee.For non-absolved representatives, the business doesn’t pay the worker when the worker isn't grinding away. Be that as it may, absolved representatives are required to take a compulsory full week's worth of work off without pay (marylandno nprofit. organization). Compensation decrease of any sort can likewise be solidified on the worker where as the people may likewise need to restrict costs so as to bear to pay for normal costs. Advantages and rewards Benefits decreases and dropping evoking reward are different ways for association to curtail activity costs. Advantage decreases are one more approach to curtail expenses.An business may need to end some protection designs, lessen or wipe out retirement plan matches or commitments, or expect representatives to pay higher co-pays and deductibles on wellbeing or potentially dental protection (marylandnonprofit. organization). Associations changes, for example, cutbacks, lessen work hours and a deteriorate in benefits increment and prizes influences representative spirit in that, representatives think about another work environment or resign sooner than anticipated. Representatives may likewise be less persuaded to achieve objective or become worry from work over-burden ac cordingly from their past associates who have left the organization.Mossholder, K. W. , Richardson, H. A. , ; Settoon, R. P. (2011) expressed that â€Å"employees are energizes seeing that creating and keeping up connections makes an unsaid social asset from which to draw while seeking after progressively intricate or uncertain objectives. Connections among workers will be more enduring than in advertise evaluating atmospheres, for they fill in as an advantage that has an incentive for both extraneous and natural reasons. † References Adler, N. (2008). Global Dimensions of Organizational Behavior. (fifth ed. ). Bricklayer, OH: Cengage Learning. Brockner, J. (1992). Dealing with the impacts of cutbacks on survivors.California Management Review, 34(2), 9-28. Recovered from http://web. ebscohost. com. ezproxy. umuc. edu/Smith B. (2001). Boeingâ cuts conveyance gauges, gets ready for majorâ layoffs. Avionics Week and Space Technology, 155(13), 29-p+, 2p. Recovered from http://e his. ebscohost. com. ezproxy. umuc. edu/Chatterjee, N. (2009). An examination on hierarchical culture and its impact on representative maintenance. Diary of Management, 2(2), 147. Recovered from http://proquest. umi. com. ezproxy. umuc. edu/Pierce, J. L. ; Dunham, R. B. (1992). The 12-hour work day: A 48-hour, eight-day week.Academy of Management Journal, 35(5), 1086-1098. doi: 10. 2307/256542 Michel, A. , Stegmaier, R. , ; Sonntag, K. (2010). I take care of you †you scratch mine. Do procedural equity and hierarchical recognizable proof issue for employees’ participation during change?. Diary of Change the executives, 10(1), 41-59. doi: 10. 1080/14697010903549432 Mossholder, K. W. , Richardson, H. A. , ; Settoon, R. P. (2011). HR frameworks and aiding in associations: A social point of view. Institute of Management Review, 36(1), 33-52. doi:10. 5465/AMR. 2011. 55662500 Heathfield, S, M (2010).How to Cope When Coworkers Lose Their Jobs. Recover from http://humanresource s. about. com/od/layoffsdownsizing/a/survivors_cope. htm Bradley J, B. ; Demand M. (2011). What Are the Reasons Why Organizations Offer Early Retirement Plans. Recover from http://smallbusiness. chron. com/reasons-associations offer-early-retirement-plans-110. html Maryland Nonprofit. Recover October 25, 2011 from http://www. marylandnonprofits. organization/html/support/archives/Lay-offsinaToughEconomy. pdf Hennigan W. J. (2011). Boeing eliminating 900 positions at Long Beach C-17 plant. Recover from

Friday, August 21, 2020

Research methods (Evangelistical literature) Essay

Research strategies (Evangelistical writing) - Essay Example Epistemological suppositions start with a characteristic doubt of the information premise of the idea or item. They need to comprehend and decipher everything in a structure of philosophy Customary science depends on 'normal positivist' thought. This incorporates the assumptions that there is a 'genuine world'. Information can be accumulated by watching it This information is truthful. It is honest and unambiguous. The 'post-positivist', 'interpretivist' theory, then again, affirms that these suspicions are unjustifiable, According to this way of thinking 'realities' and 'truth' are a wild assumption what's more, 'objective' perception is outlandish, and that the demonstration of perception and- translation is reliant on the point of view embraced by the eyewitness. Interpretivists scrutinize even the physical researchers for the slenderness of their suppositions. Their reactions hold some fact especially emphatically in the social sciences, where the objects of study are impacted by such a significant number of components. These factors are incredibly hard to separate and control in test lab. This develops to a necessity that various translations of the equivalent wonders must be took into consideration, and that no reality is achievable. An association which relies entirely upon ontological convictions needs to sooner or later grasp epistemological suppositions to endure. So it sells confidence' - the very premise of the way of thinking of being. Evangelistical writing or material is distributed and advertised to impact individuals of ontological conviction into their lifestyle. Since ontological supposition that depends on positivism, the conviction that everything being is acceptable, the positivist methodology effectively gets influenced by such promoting adventures. To them pictures of God or individuals in adoration, Biblical stories...To them pictures of God or people in respect, Biblical stories and occurrences hold a unimaginable situation of wonderment. be made inferable from the reason for assortment. Essentially, the information examined as far as cases people or gatherings risks the age factor being distorted which adds up to a lot of disarray. In such a situation more prominent confidence is given to the composed word.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

THE AIR BEHIND OUR PRISON WALLS- Prisons and rights - Free Essay Example

THE AIR BEHIND OUR PRISON WALLS Introduction We all have for long taken for granted ways of punishing which have relieved us the burden of thinking deeply about punishments, as a results we narrowly formulate ideas and channels of effecting this process which eventually later we fail our target of deterrence and reform for which penal systems are meant to achieve. I want us to address the punitive process and particularly its purpose for which it is meant to achieve and still in a particular way observe trial and judicial process which as result penal systems are based upon. For decades the fate of offenders have been always falling in the hands of the state. The state has a developed judicial system which justice is entrusted to serve. Upon apprehension of an offender majority suspects of crime are remanded to await trial for conviction or acquittal to that effect if the suspect does not afford or meet cash bail constraints. CASUALTIES OF EUROPEAN PRISONS Noticeably Africans inherited prisons from their colonial masters, structurally and penal frameworks which as well has a fundamentally European origin. Our legends for African liberations being our great grandparent, grandparents, and our elderly living were victim of the first African prisons. The best definition for torture can be best defined by the despicable prospects of European prisons our men faced during the fight for freedom. My big question is; after our liberation from the whites, did we by any chance inherit the same the current prison system was subsumed as other administrative and political arena took African control retaining European face. If Maumau movemen t for example would be re-established, the target would be leaders of our own who unfortunately have served and continues to serve with disguised European prospects where their colour have concealed their ridiculed iniquities. We must at all cost make sure our political systems serve humanity without any speck of hypocrisy, have leaders who keeps the interest of all people at heart. I know it is much to ask from the new millennium era à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"digital eraà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ but anyway failure to comply will in all days raise criticism and we who have seen a shred of hope will be activist for this fundamental reforms. Today my concern target our prisons extensively after realization of fundamental rights which have been for a long time undermined despite international convections which we are signatory to and our newly promulgated constitution 2010 which guarantee rights to persons put in custody, detained or awaiting trial. More importantly since pan Africanism and Afr ican liberation there are no noticeable developments within our penal system or prison structures despite the fact that they have been adopted from our colonial masters. We at all times celebrate our national freedom without the realization of the existence of our own self colonialism which we suffer from by embracing neocolonialism and facilitating European colonial à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"landmarksà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. Our prisons are the living evidence. Without mentioning Hague proceedings which have ambushed our only leaders and in addition and what appear more disturbing the despicable torture of our own liberation legends by our own leaders at Nyayo chambers. I understand some inequity is us Africans to blame but also Europeans have always with their disguised strategies manipulated our African ideals by all means. PRISONS AND RIGHTS To begin with; our penal system and prison system being a central subject in identifying African decency and free will in self Governance should be r eformed and assume new structural development and new penal system which are effective to our African heritage for practicability and humane and dignity accountancy as guaranteed by our constitution 2010 article 28. It is of vital importance to address the fate of a remandee whose individual liberties and human life features are deprived. Being a remandee/prisoner makes one eligible to be treated as a homogeneous group in a solitary confinements worthless of the society. It is irrevocable that this is the least status that a human being can acquire. Prisons are institutions which to their capacity limit most of the fundamental rights [1]which include locking up offenders for a lengthy period of time against their will during pendency of their criminal proceedings. A wide range of constraint are placed on their freedoms on what they can and cannot do. There are a few questions which we need to explore concerning individual rights of people faced with criminal charges. It is not in dispute that offenders have got their rights which are warranted by our constitution and other international humanitarian organization which we are signatories. Justice to be served to the accused the presumption of innocence until proven guilty is a prerequisite measure thus every prisoner who awaits trial in a solitary confinement with his fundamental rights deprived has his rights infringed. Constitution of Kenya 2010 Article 49-51 3(b[2]) seek humane treatments of persons detained, held in custody, or imprisoned. This include a good dietary, shelter, and clothing and conducive favorable environment for that purpose. This havenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t been met by our penal system despite our Kenyan constitution fundamentally expressly guaranteeing its practicability in our constitutional reforms. This is a constitutional bleach and contravention of its provisions which need to be observed to the latter. All these rights are forsaken at the first sight in our legal judicial p rocess, to my knowledge our Kenyan prison structures are the least tolerable one as far as hygiene, health decency and sanitations are concerned. In addition international convections on civil and political rights as adopted by general assembly in international standards and regulationsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ under article 10 stated that all persons deprived off their liberties shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person. Stale prison developments; There have been numerous developments in all realms of lives in our globalized economy; politics, social and scientific revolutions which have taken numerous drifts in all continents which have made the whole world a global village. Unfortunately prisons have been held dormant in their structural and operational framework since its inception, despite the fact that they are serving humans in a globalized settings. Our penal systems rarely embrace other penal procedures effectively, th is explains why our prisons are overcrowded beyond control. It have been a failure made by our penologists persistently made indeed forming the current dysfunctional characterized modern prisons.[3] Lawrence stone in addressing the problems of punishments today characterize twentieth- century prisons as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"vestigial institutions which are less useful for system maintenance than an appendix in an individualà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ [4] twentieth century prisons existence; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å" they have simply survived because they have taken on a quasi-independent life of its own, which enables them to survive the overwhelming evidence of their social dysfuntionalà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ [5]in addition he re-establish this problematic prisons as the contemporary intuition that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"nothing worksà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ extends with the slightly less force to probation, fines and community corrections[6]. We consider how best to run prisons, organize probation or enforce fines, rathe r than question why these measures are used in the first place. There havenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t been any active researchers to categorically work on the effective results of our punitive systems, whether the research methods and data collected illuminate truth isnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t my concern today since the existence of these research programs are questionable in the first place, all we have to note is that our system treat offenders like aliens, outcast, deviants losers etc. this notions and perceptions existed in early 15th -gt;centuries. We still hold some of the arbitrary draconian and orthodoxy extreme measures of crime control[7]. Our systems predominantly have always been focusing on the offence and not the offender. The reforms which were essentially adopted during the neoclassical era, Holmes describe offenders as morally diseased and wicked and as a general cause of crime who deserve segregated confinement. We still hold this sentiments of our early penologist to serve a different crime structure. This are merely the ill-fated strategies of crime control. Other different authors have taken notice too that the new era prisons has most of the continuing crisis and disruption in their penal systems which has no longer been taken seriously the rehabilitative values and ideologies upon which it was originally based upon. PURPOSIVE PUNITIVE SYSTEM There have been numerous proposals for advancement for new penal policies in the past which seek to reform prison framework and penal policies of sentencing; the humane containment, conception of imprisonment, probation and community service. These all policies have different purpose for which they are meant to achieve which include; moral reform, training, treatments, correction, rehabilitation, deterrence and incapacitation among others. This makes it clear that a prison provide an opportunity for reform and thus should be decent and austere.[8] It have been evident that our current system makes our p unitive system the most remote process to achieve deterrence. It is of much doubt that any of practical punitive procedures that we embrace now is meant to achieve any of the above purpose. The whole system have failed to consider the main objective for which any penal policies are meant to achieve which makes the whole process dysfunctional. It is dysfunctional to have two primary objectives which are not compatible due to poor functional and structural set up. It is not possible to maintain a balance between the object of deterrence which implies a punitive coercive environment with that of rehabilitation which need not adverse sanctions but rather a simple re-correction formula. In fact as result of this coercive punitive measures; it makes the offender tolerant to this unbearable environment which build resistance to change. Tallack defines offenders as morally responsible individuals worthy of a chance to reform and thus there is need for them to be treated with respect and humanity.[9] It is also important to understand the distinction of the two results (deterrence and reform) and the other irrelevant results which seem morally right but irrational among them being retribution for vengeance which solve a criminal act with another as a pay back. Eventually as a result the outcome which is being aimed at is wrong in the first place, then improving the process will simply mean that one achieves the wrong outcome more effectively. When the offender serves and completes his jail term, the friendly welcoming environment there after upon release will have no significance to his social life change, moreover the offender will treat every individual with bitterness for vengeance due to adverse irrational punitive procedures. Detention and complete segregation alone serve no purpose except physically lifting opportunities of perpetuating acts of crime which ultimate results does not met the purpose for which this punitive measure are meant to achieve. The institution of punishments conveniently provide us with narrowly construed answers to questions which crime in our society would otherwise evoke with haste. At this juncture this systems fails to address any long-term major problem that may arise in solving a subsequent minor problem. Our institutions are shallow, they tell us what criminality is and how should be sanctioned, how much punishment is appropriate and what emotions can be expressed, who is entitled to punish and where in lays the authority to do so. The major problems nevertheless are ignored or authoritatively settled or overshadowed. Our penal system in its very existence as a result end up helping us to forget that other answer exist to these problems and their settlements are possible and coherent to our overwhelming developments plans and strategies for change. And good prison institution is one which protect the ideal, personality and respect for human dignity and conscious and as well main good order in priso ns, Provide prisoners with opportunities to develop their personalities talents and skills in a positive manner, encourage prisoners to face up to the consequences of their actions in a manner which recognizes the harm which they have committed and which makes it less likely that they will act in a similar way in future and to that effect the system must also prepare prisoners for integration in to society upon release. Better prison structures which protect rights to privacy thus not converging inmates in a warehouse groupings which promote cruelty within prisons unlike secured cubicles which promote mutual trust and sense for respect and dignity. This does in anyway change the punitive prospects of the prisons since seclusion and confinements as well as cheap labor is equally punitive. There is a depth of untapped potential in our prisons which could be realized for the benefit of our communities and for reform purposes those ensuring crime control is effective at its beneficia l limits which include engaging prisoners in meaningful work;- Teesside university 2003;4à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..researchers reported after a project to evaluate the work carried out by three prisons in north- east of England to help Middlebrough council renovating a large Victorian park in the middle of the town that prisoners work best where they serve the community among them being the family of the prisoners which as a result buys trust and sense of pride and achievements. The pride does not only arise from the quality of work only but also because of who the beneficially of such projects would be, e.g. orphans, the poor, family and the entire society.[10] Justice at stake In our Kenyan criminal trials, it is evident that criminal proceedings takes at least 2rys to commence. Appeals situation is despicable; appeals takes at least 5yrs. At these level the scale of justice tilt at all material time is contested but in the long run ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s the jury whose hands are tie d by law deliver à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"justiceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ based on witnesses, evidence and material facts presented before honorable court. Witness summoning by the prosecution in criminal cases have been the baseline for the ultimate delay of criminal proceedings, office of the D.P.P have been blamed for this hiccups which on the other hand the offender is the one who feel the pinch. Eventually these becomes a long-term investments to the judicial staffs and advocates who are the beneficiary of this delay. In addition to all above miseries our courts layouts are limited, improperly furnished with their structural settings squeezed to the edge. The offender at all material times are crowded and squeezed together; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"the ill-fated onesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ to compete for their last breathe of freedom until the commencement of their trial. At this level we all agree that justice can fit a better definition and thus it is our initiative to re-evaluate prisonersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ social status. It is irrevocable that the prison warden too who spend more time within the prison walls with prisoners; significantly for a longer period of time than the majority of the prisoners thus are more effectively encroached within the same poor prison structural and environmental settings. This environs based on the poor sanitations are hazardous to both prison staff and inmates as well, this answer the question why ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s the profession that attract the least public interest. The profession credentials are way too low to serve the least knowledgeable crew. This is as a result of inhumane and intolerable working environment which most graduates are not willing to bear. Our environmentalist rarely overstretch their duties to serve prisons which is an initiative NEMA should take to improve prison hygiene and sanitations which marks as one of the most cherished humane features. Revolution for change There have been humanitarian reform movement s which connect with classical criminology and some of the foundations of eugenic ideology as further classified by William Tallack and Thomas Holmes who were at different time secretaries to these movements. [11]Tallack acknowledged poverty as a significant contributory factor to crime and underlines the need for a thoughtful and discerning use of penal discipline.[12] Alongside other movements, Church of England temperance society had a remarkable stake in introduction of probations in United Kingdom as an alternative punitive measure for minor offences. John Augustus is referred to as the first probation officer whose initiative for probation inception cannot be watered-down. Our penal system has a quite wide range of penal procedures which on application would give a glowing face to our justice system and our crime control units. Thus there would be no justifications of our overstretched prison population for that matter. Prison reforms and sentencing strategies need to be revived to embrace other penal measures and relieve imprisonment which have been totally dominant for decades. It is possible for us to change this unbearable prison system to achieve the same purpose but in a favorable humane way. Most offenders are individuals with carriers; formal skills which can be utilized in a prison setup. I do understand it have been in practice for a good while but it have not been effected to its exhaustion. Our prisons do not provide a wide range of varieties of practical skills in jail. most prisoners as forced to abandon their formal skills to learn and adopt others which are outdated and least dependable skills despite the fact that there are prisoners who have adorable skills which are not recognized at this level. A good prison structure is that that accommodates individuals of all levels with humanity, treat them with respect and dignity, honor their opinions religious believes, political affiliations, their rational judgments and warrant th eir fundamental right. Their freedom limits should be exercised with austerity. The system should help prisoners To use their expertise to serve the nation as a payback for their actions;- Teachers, engineers, drivers, architect, medical practitioners and other formal or informal skills to be utilized to the maxim; it is the best way penal system can achieve its main purpose of reform and deterrence more effectively. This will make all remandees/prisoners a resourceful asset and not a liability to our economy and a more rational and socially fitting and dependable being. I may not have addressed every penal process and explored its lucrative results but essentially it is important to note that, even though imprisonment is a punitive measure of last is necessary we embrace other punitive and reform methods and honor right of individuals in custody because ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s a prerequisite tool to administer justice within and outside prisons. Suppose our institutions are meeting normal expectations and overall directions or basic legitimacy are unchallenged then there wouldnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t be such failures in our penal systems and if there would be any, no great consequences would be eminent. [1] David Gurland; punishment and the modern society(1990) pg 5 [2] Constitution of Kenya 2010 Article 49-51 3(b) [3] Michel Foucault [4] Lawrence stone(London 1987)failure of punishments [5] Lawrence;-D.Rothman à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"prisons; failure model.(1974) .pg 647 [6] David Gurland; punishment and the modern society(1990) pg 5 [7] Classical theory criminologist; Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham(Taylor 1973) [8] General report of the general board of directions of prisons in Scotland 1840,pg23 [9] William tallack (1882). [10] The crisis in crime and punishment and the search for alternatives;-Cayley, D [1998] [11] Peter Raynor and Maurice Vanstone; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"understanding community penaltiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ (2002) pg 25. [12] Tallack à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"in a paper presented to a meeting of American prison officers in New Yorkà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. (1871)

Sunday, May 17, 2020

France Bans the Muslim Burqa and Veil Essays - 1466 Words

Within the Middle East, the largest population of the men and women are Muslim. The Muslim religion suggests that women wear a veil or hijab, which is a head scarf that only exposes a woman’s eyes, accompanied by a burqa which is a full body cloak. The sole purpose of the clothing is to cover a woman’s feminine features from men’s eyes. The Qur’an, an Islamic scripture, supports and slightly obligates the uniform by saying that women are to be conservative, â€Å"let them wear their head covering over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments.† (Qur’an). It could be inferred that women wear the burqa and veil willingly because of their geographical location. However, when Muslim women are withdrawn from the Middle East, and are placed†¦show more content†¦France drew international attention, questions, and opinions on the justification of this new law. Even though France’s main response to their justification of the ban is to preserve the French culture, the law also positively addresses other problems such as: religious freedom, public safety, and women’s rights. When I was introduced to the topic of France’s ban on the veil, I disagreed with the law. I took a position based on my customs as an American citizen, which differs completely from those of France. International critics began to argue that France is violating what people call â€Å"Freedom of Religion,† which I agreed with at first. As a foreigner from America, I am accustomed to the American government’s definition of freedom of religion. Protected by the First Amendment, â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise.† (Religious Freedom). You can express your religion in public, during church, mass, or religious meetings. So the presence of religious items such as the burqas and veil do not disturb the people or government. However, until I p ut myself in the other person’s (France’s) shoes, I hadn’t realized that customs differ from one country to another, so I began to look at the accusations through France’s eyes. I too, then viewed the ban as a positive movement by France, influenced by a government’s determination to govern their citizens under laws, which they found suitable. Although theyShow MoreRelatedFrance Bans the Muslim Burqa and Veil Essay1637 Words   |  7 PagesWithin the Middle East, the largest population of the men and women are Muslim. The Muslim religion suggests that the women wear a veil or hijab, which is a headscarf that only exposes a woman’s eyes, accompanied by a burqa which is a full body cloak. The sole purpose of the clothing is to cover a woman’s feminine features from men’s eyes. The Qur’an, an Islamic scripture supports, and slightly obligates the uniform by saying that women are to be conservative, â€Å"Let them wear the ir head covering overRead MoreObey the Laws of God, Not the Laws of Man2572 Words   |  11 PagesLaws of Man On Monday, April 11th 2011, France became the first country to put into force a law that bans Muslim women wearing the Burqa in any public setting. Not only did this ban create a global debate, a domino effect on other countries to put forth the same law, but also creating tension among French Muslims and their citizens (Ulusoy). The Quran asks believing women to cover although Muslim women interpret covering their bodies in different ways. The Burqa covers the entire face and body and hasRead MoreEssay on Should the Islamic Face Veil Be Banned?1293 Words   |  6 Pages Why the Islamic Face veil should not banned There has been debates about whether the Islamic face veil should be banned in countries. The arguments that governments of countries that have banned the Muslim face veil (France, Syria, Netherlands, Spain, and Belgium) argue that the full-face veil is oppressive, degrading towards women, and goes against values of each country. However, many Muslim women believe otherwise and strongly disagree with the banning of the veil. I strongly believe thatRead MoreThe Ban Should Not Be Banned2408 Words   |  10 PagesEver since France introduced its so called â€Å"burqa ban† in 2011, there have been many cases involving the Muslim women who choose to wear these veils. Not only are understanding women being fined for their choice of dress, mainly the niqab, which leaves a slit for the eyes, but an increasing number of defendants are being tried for attacking them (Ramdani). 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In 2012, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus produced a publication of certain country’s violations of human rights. According to the publication, France is accused of violating 14 articles such as, â€Å"Right to Peaceful Assembly, Freedom of Expression, and Torture†. In November 2012, over 1000 people gathered to protest the legalization of same-sex marriages in Toulouse and Lyon. Police were accusedRead MoreMuslim And Non Muslim Women1425 Words   |  6 PagesCatholic Christianity, but for Muslim lady wearing veil implies a lot. Most regularly, it is worn by Muslim ladies as an image of modesty and security. For some ladies it is the most genuine trial of being a Muslim. Some Muslim ladies trust that God has instructed them to monitor their modesty and wear the hijab with poise and self-regard, where they are satisfied to be recognized as perfect and virtuous Muslim ladies, however, there are various Muslim and non-Muslim both are think about that whetherRead MoreShould The Public Space Act Of A Public Service?1913 Words   |  8 Pagesthe most famous and widely read English-language newspaper, â€Å"A French court Wednesday, January 08, 2014, convicted a young woman for wearing a full-face Islamic veil in public and threw out her bid to have the country’s controversial burqa ban declared unconstitutional. Cassandra Belin, 20, was given a 150-euro fine for wearing the veil† (The Dawn 2014). The importance of incident comes from its connection to a very controversial law, which was adopted six years ago by the French government. In 2010Read MoreIslam, The Muslim Holy Book, And The Hadith2237 Words   |  9 Pagesorganizes and directs the spiritual and religious, but also political, social and even economic aspects. Therefore the identification of religion and power has been inscribed indelibly on the memory of Muslims. To most Muslims Islam is not only a religion, but also a way of life. The Quran, the Mu slim holy book, and the Hadith, a collection of sayings of the prophet Muhammad, are the two most important books in a Muslim’s life that teaches everything about how a believer should lead his life. They

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight the Role of Women

In the fourteenth century, chivalry was in decline due to drastic social and economic changes. Although feudalism-along with chivalry-would eventually fall for other reasons, including a decrease in cheap human resources due to a drop in population caused by plague epidemics and the emergence of a mercantile middle class, the Gawain author perceived a loss of religious values as the cause of its decline. Gawain and the Green Knight presents both a support of the old feudal hierarchies and an implicit criticism of changes by recalling chivalry in its idealized state in the court of King Arthur. The women in the story are the poets primary instruments in this critique and reinforcement of feudalism. The poet uses the contrast between the†¦show more content†¦This points out a serious conflict; in the game of courtly love, a man is forced outside of the traditional male hierarchies, placed on equal footing with a woman, and not subject to the feudal loyalty system. Above all, u nlike the other contests established by men where the rules are clearly defined, the Ladys game is ambiguous. brbrIt is meaningful that the bedroom scenes are juxtaposed with scenes from Bertilaks hunts. It seems as if this is what the Gawain poet intended to suggest when he positioned the bedroom scenes within the hunt scenes. The hunt scenes show an unambiguous world of men and an appropriate venue for male chivalric action. The men are outside, in vigorous, heroic, manly pursuit, training for what is really the purpose of chivalry--the defense of the land and the service of the Church. Clear hierarchies and rules are meticoulously explained; the lord is in the lead, the boldest and most active, and detail is spent in each hunting scene describing the rules of carving and distributing the days spoils. While the hunt is going on Gawain is lying in bed, and this is mentioned in each hunting scene to emphasize the contrast. In contrast to the hunt scenes, Gawains situation seems too pleasurable, bordering on the sin of luxury and representing a private world outside of the traditional hierarchies, rules andShow MoreRelated The Role of Women in Sir Gawain and The Green Knight Essay1612 Words   |  7 PagesThe Role of Women in Sir Gawain and The Green Knight Sir Gawain and The Green Knight is an example of medieval misogyny. Throughout Medieval literature, specifically Arthurian legends like Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the female characters, Guinevere, the Lady, and Morgan leFay are not portrayed as individuals but social constructs of what a woman should be. Guinevere plays a passive woman, a mere token of Arthur. The Lady is also a tool, but has an added role of temptress and adulteressRead MoreEssay on The Role of Women in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight5387 Words   |  22 PagesThe Role of Women in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight In the Fourteenth Century, Feudalism and its offspring, chivalry, were in decline due to drastic social and economic changes. In this light, _Sir Gawain and the Green Knight_ presents both a nostalgic support of the feudal hierarchies and an implicit criticism of changes, which, if left unchecked will lead to its ultimate destruction. I would suggest that the women in the story are the Gawain poets primary instruments in this critique andRead MoreRole of Women in Sir Gawain and The Green Knight and The Wife of Bath’s Tale1651 Words   |  7 PagesIn the Middle Ages, the roles of women became less restricted and confined and women became more opinionated and vocal. Sir Gawain and The Green Knight presents Lady Bertilak, the wife of Sir Bertilak, as a woman who seems to possess some supernatural powers who seduces Sir Gawain, and Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Wife of Bath Prologue and Tale, present women who are determined to have power and gain sovereignty over the men in thei r lives. The female characters are very openly sensual and honest aboutRead MoreThe Role of Lady Bertilak in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Essay1665 Words   |  7 PagesThe Role of Lady Bertilak in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight The role of women was a key role in medieval times. In the poem of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, two women represent this role. They are Lady Bertilak, who is Lord Bertilak’s wife, and Morgan La Faye. It all starts when Sir Gawain is welcomed to Lord Bertilak’s castle and then he meets these two women living there. At all times, Bertilak requests Gawain to feel at home and socialize with these women without problems. Bertilak trustsRead MoreAnalysis Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight940 Words   |  4 Pages In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the men and women appear to have different roles in the society. The men attempt to live a more noble life while emasculating the power of the women. Throughout the poem, women display hints of their potential through manipulation and trickery, traits that are uneasily recognized by men as growing power. Morgan la Fay manipulates the Lord Bercilak to assume the role of the Green Knight, and she uses him for revenge against Queen Guenevere. She engineered a planRead MoreCompare And Contrast Beowulf And Sir Gawain And The Green Knight761 Words   |  4 PagesBeowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, an admirable warrior and knight are depicted. Although Sir Gawain and Beowulf both possess such characteristics as bravery and strength, readers can observe differences in other traits that make them heroes of their own time that is attributable to the societal mindset in which the poems were written. The goal of this essay is to compare and contrast how Beowulf, which was written in the early eleventh century, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, which wasRead MoreThe Heroic Code Of Sir Gawain841 Words   |  4 Pagescontinue that counts (Winston Churchill).† Sir Gawain displayed these action and emotion during the fight to defeat the Green Knight. Sir Gawain was faced with man y trials and tribulations through his journey that forced him to stay true to his Heroic Code. The principles that Sir Gawain demonstrated in the pursuit of the Green Knight are respecting women, service to the king with bravery, honor, and faith, and staying committed to his religious practices. Sir Gawain kept these guidelines true to his heartRead MoreWomen Roles in My Big Fat Greek Wedding and Sir Gawain1370 Words   |  6 Pagesthe breadwinners with their main role consisting of providing for their families. On the other hand, as stated in the comedy My Big Fat Greek Wedding, women act as the neck of the household, therefore they have the ability to turn the â€Å"head†, or their husbands, in any direction they choose. Women had no ways of expressing their feelings directly in society, but instead expressed them through manipulation of their husbands. The ladies in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight exercise control in many momentousRead MoreAspects Of The Arthurian Romanc e In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight1335 Words   |  6 Pagesof feminism when juxtaposed with Sir Gawain and the green knight, transform the perception of Arthurian Romance especially in context of the portrayal of the feminine figure. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a late 14th-century Middle English alliterative romance that outlines an adventure of Sir Gawain, a knight of the round table of King Arthur. In the tale, the challenge from a mysterious warrior is accepted by sir Gawain. The warrior looks completely green from his clothes and hair to his beardsRead MoreThe Canterbury Tales, written by Chaucer, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, written by an1600 Words   |  7 PagesThe Canterbury Tales, written by Chaucer, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, written by an anonymous author, are both sophisticated fourteenth-century examples of medieval romance. Medieval romances captured the heart of their audiences as narratives and stories that featured a protagonist, often a knight, and dealt with religious allegories, chivalry, courtly love, and heroic epics. The concept of the knight emerged from the remnants of the Anglo-saxon literature and ideals and influence of the

Back to The Future free essay sample

Back to The Future The idea of time travel has intrigued mankind since we first understood the concept of time. Given the opportunity, most people would love to be able to go back in time and change things that had occurred in their life. Kids used to call it a do over. The idea of time travel has always interested me, which is why I selected Back to the Future for this assignment. This film was directed by Robert Zemeckis and Dean Cundey was the cinematographer, and this is one of my all-time favorite films. The major actors in this film were Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd and Lea Thompson, and they all did a job of making the concept of time travel realistic. Back to the Future was released in 1985, and I remember this because I was in the 11th grade and enjoying my High School years. The film became a worldwide box office success, bringing in 5 million dollars. Back to the Future combined adventure, comedy, and sci-fi, which are some of my favorite genres. Watching this film made me realize that movies do more than just entertain, they educate, influence opinions, and they stimulate our emotions. Back to the Future is about a time machine that sent a teenager boy name Marty McFly, back to the year 1955. Martys friend, Doc Brown was a scientist, and he invented this time traveling Delorean car that sent his friend back into time. The young boy Marty uses the time machine to go back into time so he can reunite his parents, and correct some other issues. This story has many of the elements one expects from a film in the science fiction genre. Nothing says science fiction like time travel.The plot of the movie centers on Doc Browns invention, a DeLorean sports car that can transport the driver back and forth in time. The key element needed to make a functional time machine is hard to get plutonium, which Doc Brown acquires from some Libyan terrorists. Doc actually obtained the plutonium by cheating the terrorists, and they wanted revenge. As Doc was showing Marty how the time machine works, the terrorist arrived, started shooting, and eventually killed Doc. When the terrorist started chasing Marty, he jumped into the time machine car in order to escape, and he went back in time to 1955. In 1955 his parents were High School teenagers, and it doesnt look like they are going to get together. Marty decides to takes advantage of the situation and works to ensure his parents become a couple. If not, he will never be born. Marty also finds Doc Brown and he explains to him that hes from the future, and he was brought to the past in a time machine that Doc created. Doc explains to Marty that he must remain hidden from everyone so he does not alter future events. Marty informs Doc that he has already had a chance encounter with his parents, and thing didnt look good between them, so Marty and Doc devise a plan to unite his parents. This is where some of the most hilarious moments in the film take place, but eventually, Doc and Marty successful with their matchmaking efforts. Meanwhile, Doc and Marty figure out a power source that will enable Marty to travel back to 1985. Once he gets back to the present, Marty makes a few minor tweaks to ensure his parents stay together and Doc is not killed by terrorists. Mise en scene, is French for that which is put into the scene and refers to all of the elements (costume, set design, lighting, etc.) that is used to creates the atmosphere. Back to the Future does a great job of using props, costumes and special effects in telling the story. When the film begins, the setting, costumes, and cars are what one would expect to see in 1985. Once Marty goes back to 1955 and the production of the movie changes drastically. The clothing, cars, food, music, product logos, and the dialogue are all commensurate to the era. The film also seems to use natural light for some daytime scenes. But for the most part the film appears to be filmed using high-key lighting. The lighting is very bright over everything with few shadows, and relatively low contrast between the lightest and darkest parts of the scene. A good example is when the time machine car hit 99mph and begins to travels through time, the light catches all the bright and bold colors. Editing played a major part in the final outcome of the film. With over eleven deleted scenes left on the cutting room floor, it was up to the director and cinematographer to decide which scenes were actually included in the film. Since this film was made using non-lineal editing, it was easy to move between eras. Most of the film is shot using direct cuts going from scene to scene. Today we are used to high tech special effects, but the technology used in making Back to the Future was above average for its time. In the mid 80s, CGI and computer animation was not readily available, so films had to rely strongly on a great script and actors mostly. One of the things the film did have was a futuristic looking sports car. Once all of the gadgets with the scientific name like the flux capacitor were added, it created a high tech, futuristic feel. Also, saying that the time machine was powered by a nuclear reaction via plutonium to generate 1.21 gigawatts of electricity needed, the film seem more technology advanced. Back to the Future has had a very positive impact on society. It is a fun film that was eventually made into a trilogy. The culture impact of this series of films is felt to this day, whether through the skateboarding subculture or the recently celebrated Marty McFly Day, which observed the day he arrived in the future (Oct 21 2015) in the second film. People made comparisons to the predictions that were made about the future in the movie to what we actually have today. A lot of the predictions were misses, but there were a few hits as well. The movie inspired toys and lunchboxes for kids, and even theme rides at Amusement Parks. Back to the Future still has a significant impact on our culture three decades after it was first released. Stage 2: Reflection Post You IntroductionHello class, my name is Rashaun Monroe but I simply just go by Shaun. I am an active duty member of the United States Air Force for the past 19 years. My job in the military is a firefighter. Currently due to my rank I am bound to a desk doing administrative duties within the fire service. I live on the Central Coast of California at Vandenberg Air Force Base. I have a deep passion for movies and watch several films every week. I look forward to discussing different movie titles during this course. A film that has had an impression on me is my favorite movie in the world, Friday. This is a film about two out of work slackers who just want to get thru the day and smoke weed without getting killed by a local drug dealer or robbed by the neighborhood bully. Some ways that this film has affected me on a personal level is that it shows that sometimes when life kicks you in the butt, you just need to sit back, relax and reflect like the main characters of the movie did right on the front porch. It proved to be very therapeutic to the main characters. Some ways the film may have had an larger effect on society is that one of the main characters finally stood up to the neighborhood bully, and defeated him in a triumphant battle in which everyone celebrated. I believe many things can be gained through analyzing film. It gives you a greater appreciation of the film and what gives into the making of a movie once you understand the overall process. Although in this course weve only touch a little into the aspects of film, I now have a stronger knowledge than I had before of what editing, cuts, cinematographer, genre and mise en scene are. This new knowledge that I have gained has changed the way I view movies now. As I was just recently just watching a new movie, I was looking to see if I could tell what lighting was used in a scene, and the cuts transitions, the sounds used and how they help or hurt the scenes. I am now able to use film theory and criticism to find and interpret meaning in movies because I know what to look for in films now. This course has changed my understanding on how movies are related to society by understanding the impact that movies have on our society. I know that I like movies, but during this course, just looking up numbers and stats of movies, and the impact on the culture that some movies have and giving me a greater appreciation of what a movie can do for a person. The skills that Ive developed during this course that I can apply in my life are the skills that I have learned that I will continue to use while watching and analyzing films. I can now have better constructive conversations with and articulate my opinions on film in a better manor.